MCFM Family Mediation Journal, FMQ & MCFM News
The MCFM Family Mediation Journal is the newest publication of MCFM following in a tradition of sharing information about the practice of family mediation in Massachusetts formerly presented in the Family Mediation Quarterly (“FMQ”) and before that, MCFM News.
The MCFM Family Mediation Journal is a periodic publication of MCFM. In it, family mediators share common interests and information. The Journal provides a forum to share knowledge and educate its members and the general public. We have also launched a companion blog on this site: The Family Mediation Blog.
The Journal will be mailed to all MCFM members, all Probate & Family Court Judges, all local Dispute Resolution Coordinators, all Family Service Officers, and all law school libraries in Massachusetts. Erin Pennock and Carol Lynn May, with the assistance of Jen Hawthorne and Justin Kelsey, MCFM members and board members, will accept and review submissions and edit the Journal. They follow in the footsteps of Les Wallerstein and Kate Fanger, the previous editors.
To search a topic use this search page. Issues of the Journal, the FMQ and MCFM News since its first publication are archived on this website. You can search for words appearing in the titles of the articles, as well as within the articles themselves.
SUBMISSION POLICIES: MCFM members and others may submit articles to the Journal and Blog. They should be in electronic format (Word) and sent to the Carol Lynn May. MCFM members may submit notices of mediation-related events for free publication as well. Complimentary publication of notices from mediation-related organizations is available on a reciprocal basis. Commercial advertising is also available.