Become an MCFM Certified Mediator
MCFM was the first organization to certify family mediators in Massachusetts, and MCFM is one of the few state or national mediation organizations that offer an opportunity for experienced and trained family mediators to maintain a status of Certified Family Mediator. This certification enables a mediator to offer a professional credential to potential clients which indicates that they have a high level of training and significant hours of experience that has been reviewed by a committee of their peers. Only certified mediators are eligible to receive referrals from the Massachusetts Probate & Family Court through MCFM.
►► View the MCFM Certified Mediators List
Learn more about MCFM Certification:
Download the Certified Mediator Requirements
Download the Certified Mediator application -- see next section
Download a Sample Certified Mediator Renewal Affidavit (information only; not for submission)
The submission of a Certified Mediator application includes sample Divorce Agreements. To view a Memorandum of Understanding and Separation Agreement Checklist visit our Member's Resources page.
Apply for MCFM Certification:
You must be an MCFM member in good standing to apply for certification. MCFM’s Certification Committee accepts applications year-round. The $150 application fee is paid upon submission of the completed application form and is not refundable.
PLEASE NOTE: MCFM's certification requirements and the application have been updated. Most substantive courses submitted on the application must have been completed within the last 10 years.
►► Download the MCFM Certified Mediator application form (fillable PDF).
The application and supporting documents must be submitted as PDFs. When you're ready to apply, contact the MCFM Administrator for further instructions.
Have questions about the Certification Program? Please email MCFM Certification Chair Miriam Kosowsky BEFORE you submit the Certified Mediator Application.