Find a Mediator
Mediators are neutral, trained professionals who may have backgrounds in law, mental health, finance, and/or business. The mediators’ role is to guide participants through the relevant issues, and facilitate the discussion of realistic solutions through brainstorming, experience, and attentive listening.
Search or browse below to find a mediator for your situation.
Lisa J. Smith
Lisa J. Smith
220 North Main Street, Suite 301
Natick, MA 01760
Diane C Pappas, CDFA®, CQS™
Diane C Pappas, CDFA®, CQS™
33 Andrews Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Linda Sternberg, Esquire
Linda Sternberg, Esquire
129 Spring Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Jeffrey Lovely, Esq.
Jeffrey Lovely, Esq.
6 Railroad Avenue
Foxboro, MA 02035
Karen Van Kooy
Karen Van Kooy
189 Wells Avenue, Suite 200
Newton, MA 02459
Karen E. Davis, Esq.
Karen E. Davis, Esq.
509 Main Street
Sturbridge, MA 01566
Danielle Starr
Danielle Starr
One Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110
David Wilkinson, Esq., AAML, CFLS
David Wilkinson, Esq., AAML, CFLS
144 Gould Street, No. 202
Needham, MA 02494
Barbara Zicht Richmond, Esq.
Barbara Zicht Richmond, Esq.
235 Bear Hill Road
Waltham, MA 02451
3 Summer Street, Suite 2A
Hingham, MA 02043
Kristin J.B. Mirliani, Esq.
Kristin J.B. Mirliani, Esq.
27 Longmeadow Drive
Canton, MA 02021
Kate Fanger
Kate Fanger
18 Moore St. Suite 303
Belmont, MA 02478