Find a Mediator
Mediators are neutral, trained professionals who may have backgrounds in law, mental health, finance, and/or business. The mediators’ role is to guide participants through the relevant issues, and facilitate the discussion of realistic solutions through brainstorming, experience, and attentive listening.
Search or browse below to find a mediator for your situation.
Atty. Dan Dalton
Atty. Dan Dalton
9 Fletcher Street
Chelmsford, MA 01824
Jennifer Sevigney Durand, Esq.
Jennifer Sevigney Durand, Esq.
789 Washington Street, 2nd Floor
Canton, MA 02021
Ellen Waldorf
Ellen Waldorf
383 Elliot Street, Door F, #100F
Newton Upper Falls, MA 02464
Beth L. Aarons
Beth L. Aarons
9 Main Street
Southborough, MA 01772
Sean O'Leary
Sean O'Leary
820A Turnpike Street
North Andover, MA 01845
Diane C Pappas, CDFA®, CQS™
Diane C Pappas, CDFA®, CQS™
33 Andrews Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Jennifer L. Manning-Zoll, Esq.
Jennifer L. Manning-Zoll, Esq.
38 Main Street
Saugus, MA 01906
Renee W. Senes, CDFA
Renee W. Senes, CDFA
26 Hawthorne Vlg
Concord, MA 01742
Justin L. Kelsey
Justin L. Kelsey
9 Main Street
Southborough, MA 01772
Joshua S. Tracey
Joshua S. Tracey
62 Walnut Street - 3rd Floor
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481
3 Summer Street, Suite 2A
Hingham, MA 02043
Susan Miller
Susan Miller
180 Linden Street, Suite 8A
Wellesley, MA 02482