Find a Mediator
Mediators are neutral, trained professionals who may have backgrounds in law, mental health, finance, and/or business. The mediators’ role is to guide participants through the relevant issues, and facilitate the discussion of realistic solutions through brainstorming, experience, and attentive listening.
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Renee W. Senes, CDFA
Renee W. Senes, CDFA
26 Hawthorne Vlg
Concord, MA 01742
Joie Comeiro
Joie Comeiro
400 Trade Center Drive, Suite 5900
Woburn, MA 01801
Carolan Hardy, Esq.
Carolan Hardy, Esq.
859 Willard Street, One Adams Place, Ste 400
Quincy, MA 02169
Lisa G. Kent, Esq.
Lisa G. Kent, Esq.
17 Kellogg Avenue
Amherst, MA 01002
Ken Wright, Esq.
Ken Wright, Esq.
Smith Duggan Buell & Rufo, 55 Old Bedford Rd Suite 300
Lincoln, MA 01773
Danielle Starr
Danielle Starr
One Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110
Barbara Zicht Richmond, Esq.
Barbara Zicht Richmond, Esq.
235 Bear Hill Road
Waltham, MA 02451
Meredith White
Meredith White
265 Essex Street, Suite 104
Salem, MA 01970
Kate Fanger
Kate Fanger
18 Moore St. Suite 303
Belmont, MA 02478
Briana Cummings, Esq., M.Ed.
Briana Cummings, Esq., M.Ed.
31 Church St., Suite 3
Winchester, MA 01890
Lyn Arcari
Lyn Arcari
859 Turnpike Street, Suite 130
North Andover, MA 01845
Tasha Buzzell, Esq.
Tasha Buzzell, Esq.
188 N. Washington St.
North Attleboro, MA 02760