Elder Decisions® Elder - Adult Family Mediation Training (Online)
As a service to our members and the general public, the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation is sharing the following announcement. MCFM is not responsible for the content of this announcement and is not a sponsor of the program or programs described in this announcement.
*** Online Training Announcement from Elder Decisions® ***
Elder / Adult Family Mediation Training
A Program for Mediators Interested in Serving Elders / Adult Families
September 24 and October 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2024
(Tuesdays, 12:15 PM - 5:00 PM EDT)
ONLINE via Zoom
Our flagship training in Elder / Adult Family Mediation has recently been expanded. This course includes the interactive components, guest experts, small group exercises, role plays, and rich discussions that have made it such a positive experience for past participants, and now includes even more information.
The skills, techniques, and principles discussed in the training are transferable to mediation in other contexts, and past participants have often remarked about the mediation "gems" they have received and "aha moments" they have experienced that have helped deepen their mediation work.
This live online training teaches mediators specialized skills and techniques for mediating adult family conversations (in-person and/or online) around issues such as living arrangements, caregiving, driving, family communication, medical care, Powers of Attorney / Health Care Proxies / Guardianship / Conservatorship, financial planning, estate planning, family real estate, and personal property distribution. Topics and components include:
The Field of Elder / Adult Family Mediation:
- Presenting Issues
- Common Hurdles
- Strategies for Intake and Convening Family Members
- Using Private Caucuses in Advance of Joint Mediation
- Working with Large, Dispersed Family Groups
- Managing Multiple Stakeholders and Multiple Issues
- Including the "Voice" of the Elder
- Ethical Concerns, including Capacity, Financial Disclosure, Power Imbalances and More
- Considerations Regarding Remote Mediation via Videoconferencing
Challenges of Aging:
- Mental & Physical Effects of Aging
- Maintaining Independence
- Coping with Loss
- Caregiving and Aging Families
- Long-Term Care Options for Elders
Legal Planning:
- Planning for Financial Management
- Medical Decision Making
- Long-Term Care Costs, and Options for Paying for Care
- Asset Protection
- Guardianship and Alternatives
Skill-Building Components:
- Mediating via Zoom Videoconferencing
- Small Group Exercises
- Lively, Interactive Presentations
- Guest Experts in Elder Law and Gerontology
- Trainers’ "Fishbowl" Demonstration
- Multi-Party Role Plays Featuring “True-to-Life” Scenarios
- Extensive Training Manual to Support Your Ongoing Practice
Registration Fee: $1,500
Includes course materials. (For registrants located outside the United States, please contact us to make arrangements regarding shipping materials, which will require additional time and incur additional cost.)
Scholarships and Discounts
We welcome and want to support greater diversity in the field, and offer scholarships for Black and BIPOC participants to register at a reduced rate of 50% off the current rate at time of registration.
A 20% discount is available (from the rate at time of registration, including BIPOC rate) for any mediators and/or attorneys who are Seniors, Students, Current Community Mediation Volunteers, or for whom the regular rate would pose a hardship.
If applicable, please include in the Comments section of the registration form your request for a BIPOC discount of 50% and/or a Financial Aid discount of 20%.
Need other options?
- Please request a copy of our Financial Aid Policy for alternative discounts based on income. Please submit Financial Aid requests by two weeks prior to the program start date.
- Very limited Work Study may be available, for approximately one registrant per training, based on projects available at the time; please inquire for details.
- Submit these other inquiries and requests to training@ElderDecisions.com.
Continuing Education
This training is approved under Part 146 by the New York State Unified Court System’s Office of ADR Programs for 16 hours of Additional Mediation Training. Please note that:
- Pursuant to Part 146, court-based mediation rosters require both a combination of mediation training and experience mediating;
- Acceptance on court rosters depends on a court’s need for mediators at any given time and may include a court’s need for mediators with specific case-type training or experience and mediation experience;
- Final placement on any court roster is in the discretion of the local Administrative Judge.
Visit website for more information and to register: